Land in the Shire of Collie may be identified as ‘bushfire prone’. Where your property is located within a bushfire prone area, there will be additional steps to follow when you develop your property.
State Planning Policy 3.7 ‘Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas’ (SPP 3.7) and the associated ‘Guidelines for Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas’ direct how land use should address bushfire risk management in Western Australia.
Is My Property Bushfire Prone?
To find out if your property is bushfire prone, view the Bushfire Prone Area Map via the DFES website.
If your property is highlighted pink on the map, it’s ‘bushfire prone’.
Visit the DFES website.
Please view the below information to gain a better understanding about bushfire management and your property.
A Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) report measures the severity of a building’s potential exposure to bushfire. This can be by way of ember attack, radiant heat or direct flame contact. The report considers a number of factors, including vegetation types and distance to buildings, to determine the relevant BAL rating.
A BAL report is often required for development within a bushfire prone area prior to consideration of a Development Application or a Building Permit. In most circumstances, the highest acceptable rating is BAL-29. In instances where the rating is BAL-40 or BAL-FZ, or vegetation needs to be modified to achieve a lower BAL rating, a Bushfire Management Plan (BMP) is usually required to support development.
A Bushfire Management Plan (BMP) is a comprehensive document that sets out risk management strategies for a property. A BMP is required to address any bushfire hazard issues arising from a BAL assessment and to assess development against the bushfire protection criteria in the Guidelines for Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas.
View the Guidelines for Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas
A BMP is required in a number of circumstances, including, but not limited to:
- Residential development with a rating of BAL-40 or BAL-FZ
- Vulnerable Land Uses (see below)
- Where vegetation modification is required to achieve a lower BAL rating
- Certain other land uses, such as Service Stations.
Once approved by the Shire, the recommendations of a BMP are to be implemented and maintained for the life of the development.
‘Vulnerable Land Use’ relates to land uses where persons may be less able to respond in a bushfire emergency.
This may include land uses such as:
- Aged care accommodation
- Education and childcare centres
- Holiday homes
- Reception Centre, Brewery, Winery and other tourism land uses.
Vulnerable land uses with a rating of BAL-12.5 or above will require a BMP and an Emergency Evacuation Plan (EEP) to be prepared by a Level 3 Accredited Bushfire Practitioner (see below).
The Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) rating determines the minimum standard of construction for residential development.
Details on each BAL rating can be found in the Australian Standard AS3959. Some minor developments are exempt from meeting the BAL construction standard.