Local Laws

Local Laws

Council is responsible for planning for the future of the community, and developing strategies and policies to achieve those plans. Council needs to demonstrate strategic vision and leadership by putting in place principles, policies and local laws. A strategic focus helps ensure that the council can plan for and meet the future needs of its community.

Current Local Laws:

  • Dogs
    Covers impounding, fencing requirements, kennel establishments and dogs in public places.
  • Extractive Industries
    Covers licensing requirements, determination of an application, transfer, cancellation and renewal of license, limitations and obligations of the licensee.
  • Fencing
    Covers dividing fences, fencing materials, electrified and razor wire fences.
  • Health
    Covers sanitation, housing, waste food and refuse, nuisances, pest control, infectious disease, lodging houses, offensive trades.
  • Parking
    Covers parking, parking stations, stopping in zones for particular vehicles.
  • Standing Orders
    Covers meetings of Council, presiding member and quorum, business of a meeting, public participation, questions and conduct by members, preserving order, debate of substantive motions, procedural motions, disclosure of interests, voting, minutes, adjournments, revoking or changing decisions, suspension of standing orders, committees, meetings of electors.