Minninup Pool Prefeasibility Study Report

Minninup Pool Prefeasibility Final

The final report for the Minninup Pool Demand and Prefeasability Study has been endorsed by the Project Management Group and by the Shire of Collie Council.

The report investigates the opportunity for low impact overnight accomodation and associated day use activities on the Minninup Pool reserve. The report considers community consultation and includes:

  • A supply and demand assessment/analysis for type, mix and quality of accommodation for short term accommodation;
  • Potential tourism and recreational activities;
  • Development and operational management options and;
  • A concept master plan and high level financial projections and investment summary.

Expressions of interest to undertake a service assessment, geotech and detailed flora for the identified short term accommodation area plus detailed design and costings (including assessments) for the day use areas are soon to be advertised. Further and ongoing community consultation will be included in the deliverables of this next stage of the project.