Local Planning Policies
The Shire of Collie advises that the following draft Local Planning Policies have been prepared or amended and are out for public comment:
LPP 2.11 – Design Review is a new policy that guides when a particular development proposal will require design review, the process for undertaking design review and the associated fees and charges. A design review is an independent evaluation of a significant development proposal or major project by a group of experts such as architects and urban designers who provide the applicant and the Shire with expert advice to ensure high quality design outcomes.
Design Review Local Planning Policy draft
LPP 4.2 – Advertisements and Signage is a review of the current local planning policy and includes exemptions and development requirements previously covered by Local Planning Scheme No. 5. The policy covers signs that are considered acceptable and therefore exempt from requiring planning approval as well as criteria for signs requiring planning approval. The policy will apply to all proposed signs within the Shire of Collie.
4.2 Advertising and Signage
Submissions on the two above draft local planning policies close at 5pm on Friday 18 February 2022. Submissions should be provided in writing and must include your name and address.
Submission Form – Local Planning Policies
Submissions may be completed online, posted or delivered to the Shire of Collie at 87 Throssell St, COLLIE WA 6225 or emailed to colshire@collie.wa.gov.au
Enquiries can be directed to Katya Tripp, Project Officer on 9734 9005.