The Shire of Collie advises that the following Local Planning Policy has draft amendments and is out for public comment:
LPP 2.5 – Residential Development Fronting Existing Rights-Of-Way (Laneways)
The draft amendments are being advertised for public comment in accordance with Schedule 2, Part 2, Clause 4 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.
Draft amendments to LPP 2.5 will result in:
- Facilitate residential laneway development as a means to achieve affordable infill residential development and housing diversity;
- Enable the subdivision of lots, development of groups dwellings or ancillary accommodation, where sole access to the lot or dwelling is from the existing laneway;
- Improve the use, amenity, character and security of existing lane ways;
- Support the use of laneways as a means of access to new residential developments;
- Ensure laneways provide safe vehicular and pedestrian access to dwellings that front a laneway.
Key differences between the current LPP and the draft amendment LPP include:
- The revised policy does not require developer contributions to the upgrade of the laneway;
- Reduced final laneway width from 7.5m to 7m;
- The setbacks for future carport and garages of dwellings fronting a laneway have been reduced, yet will still be behind the front setback line of the dwelling;
- The land is not required to be subdivided;
- It covers private laneways, as well as those vested in the Crown of the Shire of Collie;
- Requires 50% of the front setback to the landscaped as a minimum; and
- A map of the laneways and information on each laneway width, length and condition is included as appendices to the policy.
Submissions close on Wednesday 3rd January 2024. Submissions should be provided in writing and must include your name and address. A submission form can be found below.
Submissions may be completed online, posted or delivered to the Shire of Collie at 87 Throssell St, COLLIE WA 6225 or emailed to
Enquiries can be directed to Collie’s Planning Department on 9734 9028.