The final masterplans for the foreshore day use areas at Minningup Pool have been endorsed by Council with implementation of the plans a priority.
Advertising and consultation on the draft plans in August and September last year resulted in over 20 community submissions. Feedback, such as increased disabled access, flushing toilets and a swimming pontoon have been incorporated into the final plans.
Total expected funding required for the project, including the provision of services is estimated at $7.5 million. Government funding for the project will be sought as a whole, however, the project can be broken into stages with the provision of services power, water and sewerage being the priority.
The Collie River foreshore is a registered Aboriginal site and any works will require application and approval under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972. Consultation with local Noongars for the use and development of the foreshore and the overall reserve has been ongoing since late 2018 and includes a visioning and heritage report.
A final report, including the detailed designs for roads, pathways and landscaping as well as the concept drawings for specific locally designed structures such as toilets will be presented to Council early this year.
This project was made possible through funding from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development via local member, the Hon. Mick Murray and undertaken in partnership with the South West Development Commission.
If you have any enquiries regarding this project please contact Katya Tripp on 9731 9005 or