Planning and Heritage

The Local Government Heritage Survey
The Local Government Heritage Survey (LGHS) is a list of places that the Shire of Collie considers to have, or may have in the future, cultural heritage significance.
Local Heritage Survey

The LGHS provides brief historical information on each place, a physical description, a statement of significance and recommendations for management.

Established and widely accepted criteria are used to determine the level of significance.  These are the aesthetic, historic, research and/or social values a place may have for present and future generations.  Rarity, representativeness and authenticity are also taken into consideration when assigning a level of significance.

The levels of significance are:

  • Exeptional
  • Considerable
  • Some
  • Little

The LGHS is simply an inventory that:

  • Provides a cultural and historical record of the Shire of Collie;
  • Assists in determining heritage conservation policies; and
  • Provides useful guidance for councillors and staff in exercising their town planning functions, including the compilation of a Heritage List.

Places in the LGHS do not have any legal protection and are not subject to heritage provisions under the Local Planning Scheme UNLESS they are included in the Shire’s Heritage List.

The Heritage List
The Heritage List is compiled from the places identified in the LGHS.  It does not necessarily include all places and areas.  The List is adopted under the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme and may be updated as required.