Roche Park
In accordance with Section 6.19 of the Local Government Act 1995, the Shire of Collie intends to amend the following fees and charges:
Fee # Charge Detail Previous Fee New Fee
166 Stadium major weekday $400 per day $350 per day
170 Minor stadium school booking $155 per day $130 per day
182 Minor stadium w/end single day $150 per event $200 per event
187 & 203 Additional staffing $150 per event $60 per hour
188 & 204 Additional cleaning $50 per hour $60 per hour
197 Major stadium multi day $450 per event $260 per day
198 Minor stadium multi day $220 per event $150 per day
199 Function room multi day $160 per event $120 per day
200 Kitchen multi day $160 per event $120 per day
202 External changerooms multi $522 per event $100 per day
The amended fees and charges will apply on and from 18 November 2022.
Further information can be obtained by contacting the Shire Office or Roche Park on 9734 9000 or by email to