Proposed Smoke Free Areas in Collie

The Shire of Collie is currently advertising draft provisions to the Activities in Thoroughfares and Public Spaces and Public Places and Trading Local Law 2022 (referred to as ‘Local Law’).

The draft Local Law provisions are in relation to Smoke Free Areas in certain areas around town. The purpose of creating ‘smoke free’ areas around Collie is to reduce community exposure to the harmful effects of smoking, and create a healthier environment for people to enjoy.

Local Laws exist to help the Shire achieve the long-term vision for the community. They let Council implement ‘big picture’ strategies in a highly localised way, to make sure the unique needs of our Collie community area met.

The Smoke Free provisions that are being advertised respond to an action from the Shire of Collie’s Public Health Plan 2022-2027. This Local Law provision represents the Shire taking action to make an identified priority a reality.

The proposed Local Law provisions will allow certain areas within the town centre to be designated smoke free.  Once the Law is established, the Council will then determine the specific areas where smoking is prohibited.  These may include:

  • Public parks;
  • Footpaths, roads and public places next to businesses that cater to children and/or young people; and
  • Footpaths, roads and public places next to an area that hosts outdoor eating or drinking.

If you have any questions, you can reach out to Collie’s Planning Department on 9734 9028. Submissions to the amended LPP2.5 close Thursday 4th January 2024.

Submissions should be provided in writing and must include your name and address. An optional submission form is available below.

Submissions may be completed online, posted or delivered to the Shire of Collie at 87 Throssell St, COLLIE WA 6225 or emailed to

Smoke Local Law Amendment

Submission Form