Reducing waste a community priority

The Shire of Collie has reaffirmed its commitment to the responsible management of waste, with the adoption of new policies that will pave the way for a re-use shop at the Shire’s landfill facility and reduce its consumption of single-use plastics.

The Collie community is already exceeding its 2020 waste diversion targets through the three-bin system, however, there is more that can be done.
Kerbside recycling is processed by Suez in Perth. In the first three months of this year, the Shire has sent approximately 190 tonnes of waste for recycling.
Contract requirements include provisions that recyclers taking material adhere to all laws, including importation license requirements, and that material is used for recycling.

Shire Chief Executive Officer David Blurton said it was important that community members continued to clean and separate materials for recycling, as contamination could cause recycled material to be rejected and sent to landfill.

“In particular, consumers should ensure plastic bottles and containers are clean and empty with the lids removed,” Mr Blurton said. “And that flexible or scrunchable plastics are deposited at REDcycle bins at participating supermarkets rather than the kerbside recycling bin.”

Food and organic materials deposited in the bright green kerbside are taken to the Banksia Road Compost Facility to produce compost. Last financial year, almost 1300 tonnes of organic waste was processed.

Compost and mulch from the Banksia Road facility has been purchased or returned to the community for use by the Collie Community Garden, loch schools, residents or other organisations.
The Shire is submitting an application for a Waste Authority grant for the purpose of constructing a re-use shop, allowing further diversion of waste from landfill.

“As individuals, we all need to be aware of our consumption and the waste that it generates,” Shire President Sarah Stanley said.
“There are simple things that each of us can do in our daily lives that can have a big impact collectively,” Cr Stanley said. “It’s as simple as remembering to use a reusable water bottle instead of buying plastic, or putting our waste in the right bins at home.”

“The Shire is leading the way with the implementation of a new policy to reduce single-use plastic consumption in our facilities and events.”
“Council will continue to look for ways to improve our waste management,” Cr Stanley said.
“This is important not only from an environmental perspective, but also as an important long-term cost-saving measure for ratepayers as well.”

For more information about waste management and recycling, visit