Pursuant to the Land Administration Act 1997 (Act) the Shire of Collie gives notice of its intention to:
- Closure of unconstructed road (PIN 11419588) pursuant to section 58 of the Act for its inclusion/amalgamation into the adjoining Reserve 19491 pursuant to section 51 of the Act and include the amendment to the adjoining Reserve 19491 pursuant to section 51 of the Act.
- Excision of portion Lot 422 on DP 34931 (Reserve 19491), and Lots 8, 9 and 10 on DP 203723 (Unmanaged Reserve 19457) pursuant to section 51.
- Dedication of new road over excised portions of Lots 8, 9 and 10 and portion of remaining unnamed road PIN 11419588 pursuant to section 56.
- Amalgamation of balance of Lots 8, 9 and 10 to remain Unmanaged Reserve 19457 (for the purpose of ‘Public Utility’) pursuant to section 51.
- Amalgamation Closed Road PIN 11419588 and excised portion of Lot 422 to create a new Lot for the fire brigade structures and subsequent creation of a Class ‘C’ Reserve over the new fire brigade Lot for the purpose of ‘Fire and Emergency Services’ with a Management Order to the Shire pursuant to section 41 and section 46.
- Cancelation of unmanaged Reserve 19457 (Lots 8-10 on DP 203723) pursuant to section 51 of the Act to facilitate the dedication of a portion as road pursuant to section 56 of the Act and a portion being included into Reserve 19491 pursuant to section 51 of the Act.
Details of the proposal are available on the Out For Comment page.