Request for Public Comment- Proposed Road Closure and Dedication- Hoddell Road, Cardiff

Pursuant to the Land Administration Act 1997 (Act) the Shire of Collie gives notice of its intention to:


  1. Closure of unconstructed road (PIN 11419588) pursuant to section 58 of the Act for its inclusion/amalgamation into the adjoining Reserve 19491 pursuant to section 51 of the Act and include the amendment to the adjoining Reserve 19491 pursuant to section 51 of the Act.


  1. Excision of portion Lot 422 on DP 34931 (Reserve 19491), and Lots 8, 9 and 10 on DP 203723 (Unmanaged Reserve 19457) pursuant to section 51.


  1. Dedication of new road over excised portions of Lots 8, 9 and 10 and portion of remaining unnamed road PIN 11419588 pursuant to section 56.


  1. Amalgamation of balance of Lots 8, 9 and 10 to remain Unmanaged Reserve 19457 (for the purpose of ‘Public Utility’) pursuant to section 51.


  1. Amalgamation Closed Road PIN 11419588 and excised portion of Lot 422 to create a new Lot for the fire brigade structures and subsequent creation of a Class ‘C’ Reserve over the new fire brigade Lot for the purpose of ‘Fire and Emergency Services’ with a Management Order to the Shire pursuant to section 41 and section 46.


  1. Cancelation of unmanaged Reserve 19457 (Lots 8-10 on DP 203723) pursuant to section 51 of the Act to facilitate the dedication of a portion as road pursuant to section 56 of the Act and a portion being included into Reserve 19491 pursuant to section 51 of the Act.


Details of the proposal are available on the Out For Comment page.